Friday, July 23, 2010

My first experience in Pyinnyadana English Class

The topic is " My first experience in Pyinnyadana English Class.
Well, it will be right for me, if it is first feeling about this class.
Everything is not ready, because it is the first day of
the class.
Whatever, we can start our class finally.
Firstly, the english lecturer began her program with a english paragraph.
As soon as start the class, one of our classmates said to lecturer.
He said, " i don't understand. i can't get it. Because i am a merely grade five.

When i hear, I feel sorry myself. I want to encourage to him like this,
"Friend! if i said frankly, i don't understand also. But i am a graduate."
That's all.


  1. Can you pls mention your name or Nickname.
    How about other classmates?
    Come on.
    Write something to upgrade your English.

  2. According to the Jungle's Rule, "Only the fittest can survive!".
    Therefore, we have to make life long learning and upgrade ourselves in order to survive and outstanding in any country.

  3. A fifth grader and a graduate. I like these contrasts. Our Burmese literature is always styled in one sided themes. Be it the grandeur of The Glass Palace or misery of the outcasts and the slums, we are attuned to view those in separate backgrounds, instead of seeing things as contrasts in a same society. The consequence is, of course, the lack of empathy and understanding of others among us, and the rest is what we are (as a whole nation) today.

    Going too far into the sidetracks.. ha...:)
    I shall suggest you post your write-ups more often.... titles like "My Weekly Experience, I, II, III and so on"... Adopt a nick name or a real name of your favor. I've no doubt there will be a good deal of followers to read your posts. I'll be one for sure.
